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The #1 Secret of Success

by: Darren Power

Today I am going to tell you the #1 secret to success in life, business & all that you do. If you apply this secret wholeheartedly I guarantee that your life will change for the better.

The #1 secret to being successful in everything that you do is not really a secret at all. In fact I'm betting that you already know this secret.

So the second biggest secret to being successful in life is to use the first secret, which isn’t a secret at all.

And the secret is

  • You have to give to get
  • You reap what you sow
  • What goes around comes around
  • If you give love you get love
  • Good action equals good karma

Which all means the same thing.

Whenever possible help other people. Help without being asked and help without keeping a tally.

Let me just explain a bit further on that last bit. If you spend your life keeping count of who you helped and who has helped you & fretting about those you helped that haven’t helped you back yet. Your head will hurt most of the time.

You must give without expecting anything in return. The benefit to you is in the giving. The best way to give is anonymously that way you have already let go because that person can’t give back because they don’t know who you are.

The most successful people in the world today know that what you give away comes back to you ten fold.

Zig Ziglar said, "You can get everything in life you want - if you help enough other people get what they want."

Brian Tracy put it this way ‘Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?"’

So the question has to be are you giving? Are you giving what you want in return which boils down to the old phrase do unto others as you would be done unto yourself.

What this means is offering to help people, don't wait to be asked, people don't ask for what they want. Always be on the lookout for people you can help, for little things that you can do that might mean big things to others.

For example, when you're browsing your favorite forums if you see a question that you know the answer to, take a minute to answer it. That minute of your time may be worth hours & dollars to somebody else. So potentially two or three minutes of your time saves somebody else hours of time. Don't think somebody else will answer, be the one. Sow some seeds of goodness.

It's taken me a long long time to realise that the most successful people that I know are people that will help everyone and anyone. The people that when they see you struggling with something will jump in and do it for you. These same people, because they help everyone, also know everyone so they always know somebody that will help with your problem even if they can't fix it themselves. These people give without the expectation of reward. These people give without keeping a tally of favors given and returned. These people are happier because happiness comes from giving. When you make somebody else happy by helping with a problem you become happy. If you give happiness you get happiness.

And if we all did this the world would be a better place.

So your prescription to lifelong happiness & success is:-

  • Give whenever you can without being asked
  • Give without keeping score
  • Repeat often

Let me finish of this valuable lesson with a few more quotes from people who knew & used this secret

‘The more credit you give away, the more will come back to you. The more you help others, the more they will want to help you.’
Brian Tracy

‘The return we reap from generous actions is not always evident.’
Francesco Guicciardini 1483 - 1540

‘We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation; for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers.’
Lucius Annaeus Seneca 5BC - 65AD

‘Getting people to like you is merely the other side of liking them.’
Norman Vincent Peale 1898 - 1993

‘You give before you get’
Napolean Hill 1883 – 1970

The Three Main Powers Of Network Marketing

by: Kirk Bannerman

Network Marketing, 'MLM', and Multi Level Marketing are all terms that refer to the same type of business model. This industry has had more than it's share of scumbag crooks and con artists that have used and abused the concept. However, if you do your homework and get involved with a legitimate network marketing organization, this business model has exceptional income potential.

Network Marketing can produce outstanding results if you know a few simple concepts, the understanding of which is critical to your success.

Network Marketing, MLM, and Multilevel Marketing are unlike franchises or conventional businesses in that they take advantage of all three of the important, yet misunderstood principles of:

  1. Leverage (of Time and Money)
  2. Residual Income
  3. Geometric Growth Through Duplication

Unfortunately these principles are not well understood by many of the people that undertake network marketing. And that's just one of many reasons why so many fail at network marketing. There are lots of other reasons, and it would take volumes to cover them all. But this is one of the more common ones. Because if you don't comprehend and believe in these principles, it's impossible to help others fully understand and appreciate them.

First, lets look at LEVERAGE:

Every successful person or business takes advantage of leverage. There are only 24 hours in a day and no matter how talented you are or how much you get paid per hour, if you don't take advantage of leverage you're limited by the number of hours in a day. As a side note, I have heard of cases where an occasional lawyer was billing more than 24 hours per day…but, I guess that’s another story. By learning to leverage your time, you can also benefit from a percentage of other people's efforts, and dramatically increase your income while creating more free time for yourself.

The unique and wonderful thing about the Network Marketing business model is that everyone has the same opportunity to become the 'owner' of his or her own business - with a fraction of the investment of time and money of a franchise or traditional business.

In network marketing the people at the top definitely have a vested interest in helping others on their team succeed.

Would you rather receive 100% of one person's efforts, or 5% of the efforts of 100 people?

Obviously 100% of one is always only ONE. But 5% of 100 is FIVE.

Not only will the total result with leverage almost always be amplified, but your income is not dependent on only one person. If your income is produced by the activities of many, it is much more dependable. Even if something unexpected or negative happens to one or more of those people, it only has a minor effect on the total production.

It's great to get paid while you're sleeping or away on vacation. That's one of the many advantages of leveraging your time.

Now, lets consider RESIDUAL INCOME:

When someone mentions residual income many people automatically think of actors or musicians.

Residual income is recurring income that you continue to receive long after the work you've done to produce it has ended. There are lots of ways to produce residual income. However, many people don't understand it, and still others have never thought about or been exposed to it.

A very simple example of residual income is interest earned on money in the bank or investments. You continue to receive this income without having to invest any more time to produce it.

Suppose you had the choice of doing a job and earning $1,000 once, or getting paid $50/month for the rest of your life…which would you choose? If you chose the $50/month you obviously “get” the concept of residual income.

Clearly, $50/month will surpass a single payment of $1,000 relatively quickly. And if it lasts for a few years, or better yet - the rest of your life - it will really be a blessing.

Residual income is certainly not about "getting rich quickly", even though with the right opportunity it's possible to produce a substantial residual income stream in a relatively short time.

Most people who fail at network marketing either choose the wrong network organization or just give up too soon and quit because they expect overnight results. It is important to recognize that the real beauty of residual income is on the back end, not the front, and that once you build it you have the financial security and time flexibility to do just about anything you desire for the rest of your life!

Last, but not least, lets address GEOMETRIC GROWTH (DUPLICATION):

The classic illustration of geometric growth is the frequently used penny-a-day example.

If you save one penny on the first day, and double it every successive day, (day two you have 2 pennies and day three you have 4 pennies, and so on) how much will you have at the end of 30 days?

The answer, to the astonishment of many, is $5,368,708! Amazing, but true.

That's a simple and dramatic illustration of how networking can work. If I can teach you, I've doubled myself. If we each teach someone else, we've doubled again. As this duplication or geometric growth process goes on and on, it can produce some amazing results in a relatively short period of time, just like the penny example above.

So there you have it, understand and apply these three principles

  1. Leverage (of Time and Money)
  2. Residual Income
  3. Geometric Growth Through Duplication

and, given sufficient time and effort, you should enjoy a successful and financially rewarding network marketing experience.

How To Build A Successful Downline

by: Cheryl McNeil

Have you ever joined a great company and were really excited about it only to fail at it? I too have experienced that and have learned from time and a lot of research on how to be successful.

I first learned that I was not getting good support from my upline. Yes they were sening me e mails but they were the generic kind and I did not feel that they cared if I was part of the team or not.

I researched my producrt and learned as much about it as I could so that I had the knowledge needed to sell my product. I kept myself motivated even when I was tired and felt like nothing was working.

I got a few hits to my site but no one was joining and I knew I had to make it work somehow because I believed in this product and i wanted everyone to benefit from it as I had. I finally got a few downline members and I went to work.

I e mailed or called each one personally. I thanked them for becoming a member of the team and told them I was looking forward to working with them. I asked them about themselves and let them know I wss there to help them. I made sure they had my contact information so they could call or e mail me with questions.

I proceeded to teach them everyting I knew about the business and helped them to duplicate what I had done and we became a team to be reckoned with in time. After all we are all in it for the same reason, to make money. With a good downline you can not help but be successful. Team work is the back bone of any business and your team needs to be as knowledgable and as aggressive as you are.

I treat all of my members like human beings and not a name and a fnumber because that is how I want to be treated. I have a good working relationship with these people and I enjoy talking with them and sharing ideas. All things do not work but together we find the things that do.

Remember that follow up is one of the most important tools of your business and never fail to follow up with anyone.If your team is happy then you are happy and the business can't help but be a success.

Replication and dupliction are the name of the game and team as we all know means together everyone achieves more.

These are the things that have taught me to run my business successfully and i hope they are some help[ to you.

Work From Home Tips

by: Samuel Colon

Internet Based is the leading community and knowledge center for work at home who have or want to have an Internet based business. We're your source networking opportunities, free Internet Marketing information and online business building services

Work from home advantages

No journey to work, saving time and money on fuel/transport costs.

Greater flexibility in your working hours.

Independence and control in your workday.

Work from home disadvantages

Isolation, loneliness and boredom. There is no social interaction with colleagues or anyone to bounce your ideas off, and there are no invites to after work drinks!

Lack of work structure – you could find it difficult to separate work from home life.

Tips for Success

Be a salesperson – this is relevant to everyone from the self-employed to permanent staff and freelancers. In today’s competitive market everyone’s expendable - you will need to explain why people should use your services.

Structure your work day and keep distractions at bay. Conversely, don’t be in work mode all the time i.e. don’t just check your email when you’re off duty.

Obtain good resources – a reliable (portable) computer, high-speed internet access and a cell phone will help with your productivity.

Get involved in online communities that focus on your area of work to keep you updated on news and changes in your industry. Also read newspapers and trade journals.

Network - speak to people in your field (networking) will help you remain focus and motivated.

Check out the business before you pay anything.

Have you heard of the business that's soliciting your money?

If not, check them out carefully. Make sure they have a physical address and a phone number. Call to see if it's a real phone number. Do a search on to see if you can find any positive or negative comments. Check references carefully.

Networking For Success

by: Cheryl Miller

Business networking is a powerful way to promote your business. Meeting other business people is an essential part of building your own enterprise. Businesses thrive when partnering with others and business networking allows you to do this. No man/woman is an island and the same applies to your business. Alliances and partnerships will allow your company to grow and expand. Plus you will gain new clients and customers when you network.

Where can you network? Here are a few places:

* Seminars

* Meetings

* Social gatherings

* Business forums and networks.

Seminars are a good way to network, as you will meet others who are interested in business. These people who come to learn can be good candidates for your product/service. Learn how to approach others and make conversation before mentioning your product/service, so that you can access whether they will be interested. Always attend Seminars that will attract your targeted market.

Business meetings: When you meet people from other businesses you can mingle with them and check out business partners and possible customers. Business to business is a powerful way to network.

Social gatherings: You will be surprised how many people are interested in business and would love to start their own if they only knew how. By making conversation and discussion you can find out if someone would be interested in your product/service.

Business forums and networks: You cannot openly advertise in forums but you can always leave your "business card" or sig. Usually your name and website URL. Be active answer questions (establish your credibility) and ask questions (other peoples' opinions can be very valuable.) You will become well known and other members of the forum will check out your website and even join your newsletter. These are highly targeted and valuable prospects.

When you attend functions, like Seminars and meetings you not only bring your business card but also usually wear a name badge. Often these are paper or pinned on. A nice reflection on you and your company is to wear a magnetic name badge. You can customize them with your company logo and they will look better than the conventional paper and pinned variety. They add class and distinction to your image, increasing the credibility of you and your company. You can make them unique and original using them as a good conversational piece or "ice breaker." Magnetic badges can be a distinctive way to introduce yourself in any business function.

Never underestimate the power of socializing in business. You learn new ideas from others in your industry and become know as an expert in your field. Both these business tactics can lead to long lasting relationships and new customers.

Ten Tips for Getting More Sales From Your Website

by: Michael Southon

(1) Create a Direct Response Website, with the minimum number of pages possible (e.g. an Index Page, a Contact Page, and an Order Page).

(2) Make sure your sales copy is positive and inspiring - people buy things because they want to improve their lives.

(3) Identify a problem and show people how and why your product or service solves the problem.

(4) Keep your paragraphs short - no more than 2 sentences per paragraph.

(5) Use bold headings to break up your sales copy into short chunks of text.

(6) Use a bulleted list to itemize the benefits of your product or service. Start each benefit with an action word: "turn", "make", "triple", "grab", "create", "build", "convert", "start", "change", "drive", "organize", "promote", "develop", "learn", "compel", "fill", "attract", "get", "earn", "take", "discover", "produce", "find", "generate", "acquire". "inspire", "send", "blast".

(7) Give your visitors at least 3 order links (e.g. 1/3rd of the way down your page, 2/3rds the way down, and at the bottom). But don't stop there - turn some of your key phrases into hyperlinks that go to your order page. Here are some examples of phrases that you could link to your order page: "increase your sales", "take advantage of this offer", "try it risk-free for 30 days", "get the following 5 bonuses", "the competitive edge you need", "this risk-free offer".

(8) Use purple (#990099, R=153 G=0 B=153) text - the color purple (used sparingly) has been shown to increase sales.

(9) Give a time limit - most people are procrastinators.

(10) At the end of your sales copy make a call to action: "Act now - don't let this opportunity pass by"

FOCUS on Your Business Program. Power of FOCUS.

by: Raymond Johnsen

If you are anything like me, you probably find yourself often thinking of new projects to start, new things to achieve. I did that in my beginning on Internet. That in itself is very beneficial and indeed a required ingredient for success. The trick is to know where to draw a line.

The trap I kept falling into was hoping and looking for new and better programs all the time,easy to find new once,but i forgot about them the next day,instead of working on the programs you already joined and going for the results there.

I would often actually get dragged into gathering more and more information on new opportunities. I would spend time on developing them right then and there. I would be stealing the precious time away from the current project I was supposed to be working on. Obviously, it was a trap.Be aware of this trap! The current project would suffer, because there is only so much time in a day.No one gets results form Surfing the Internet for "Get Rich Tomorrow "and thinking,there must be an easier way!There is not,only hard work will give you success.Focus and work on your Business !

Then I would get discouraged with my current project and drop it because I didn't see any results. Think long term!One of my future projects would become my current project for the time being, until I'd drop it in favour of the next project. It's a trap,yes.

This is how most of New to Internet do it!!Dont do the same! Can you see the trap? And it gets even worse: If you keep on doing this for long enough, you will actually program your subconscious mind NOT to complete a project EVER. You will forever keep on failing. Eventually it may even filter through to other areas of your life. I did the same in the beginning,so much waste of time and money!

There is to many Traps out there. It's easy to see how working on your online business can become such a trap quickly. Internet is overloaded with information. I won't even mention the plethora of rubbish that exists online. But there is so much valuable information out there, go and find them,that developing your online business to a profitable stage can take forever, UNLESS you start employing the tremendous power of focus. It's the only way to do it,when you understand this you will get results!

Here is only one way,focus.To be a success in your online venture, you must not be working on more than two projects at a time, EVER. And preferably work on just one project, particularly if you only do your online venture on part-time basis.

And by that I mean, don't get distracted. Don't dilute your precious time. Work on your project, whatever it may be, until completion.Learn the program,take the training section over and over again,until you really know how it works!

Many programs can be difficult to understand,but take your time to understand it!

Learn how to!By all means, plan you future. If you want to work on the future ideas, set an hour per week aside for doing just that. And then each week spend that hour thinking about your new projects, write them down. When the time is up, go back to your current project.

I will guarantee you one thing: If you develop and use the power of focus, your success will get better and better with each project. Thats how i got from not getting any results to see great results every week. Focus.

On the other hand, if you keep falling into the trap of working on too many projects at the same time, the chances are you will get nowhere.


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Holiday Marketing Magic for New Year Success

by: Diana Ennen

Can you believe it’s November already? The holidays are here and then the start of a new year will be upon us. Now is a perfect time to reflect on your business and see if it is all that it can be. Is it running at full speed and do you have all the clients that you need?

If not, it’s time to get those engines moving and start into action before the New Year begins. I know, it’s the holidays and there’s a lot’s going on. But also it’s the perfect opportunity to connect with your clients and get a head start on potential work for next year. You will find that communication is so much easier when you can utilize holiday greetings, holiday goodies, and holiday presents.
Holiday gifts and candy will ease the way to a “Hi, how have you been? Send me more business!” Or for those new potential clients, “Hi, how are you—You need ME.”

First, reconnect with ALL your clients and let them know how you appreciate them and perhaps how you can help them with other needs they may not even know you offer. Send a personalized holiday card or greeting. For local clients stop by their office and drop off presents, popcorn tins for the staff and/or their favorite coffee for their afternoon pick-me-up. For potential new clients, drop off a
Holiday cup full of wrapped candy with your business card or perhaps get your business name printed on the candy bar. Also, consider sending a specialty cake, such as a coffee lover’s cake from Make a Diaper Cake Biz, You can make your own or have Barb Ireland create one for you.

For all you Virtual Assistants or word processors out there, don’t forget to stop by any small post offices or UPS shops and offer to put your business cards there. Many of these places will add your business card holders directly to the counter. Think how much traffic is going through these places shipping out those presents and what great exposure that can be. And the best news is that they usually do allow business cards with a business card holder. Just think about it, people waiting impatiently in line, pick up your card and BINGO—New Client.

Other tips include:

Read and research new things. So many great promotions are going
Ø on now with the holidays and New Year coming. Look to them and see what’s out there and how you can apply it to your business. Take advantage of the teleclasses and seminars that are offered by the pros. Yes, they are going to try and sell you something, but by golly the information you receive will be worth it and you don’t have to buy.

Join Associations: Join the association that you’ve heard about by so
Ø many but haven’t made the commitment yet. Start the New Year with a firm commitment to attend at least one engagement a month or more. See what a difference it can make in your business by talking with pros in your industry or networking with businesses, who might utilize your services or products.

Get moving online. Go to the message boards and chats and
Ø network. Meet people and introduce you and your business. Offer tips and suggestions and actively be a part of the forum. I’ve been in business since 1985 so this year I will be celebrating 21 years in business. I owe a lot of my success to being active on the boards and letting people get to know me and trust me. My message board is up and running and eager for more virtual assistants to stop by and learn how to become a virtual assistant. It’s at

Your Website. Now it can all go to waste if they these potential
Ø clients get to your website and see a unprofessional, poorly built, error-ridden, mess of a site. Take a look at your website and see if it is the best that it can be. I constantly update mine at to try and provide tips and suggestions for those starting a virtual assisting and also tips on publishing and, of course, our new books in our online bookstore. I know the importance of changing it frequently, so people will come back to see what’s new.

Look to the overall appearance, the professionalism of your wording, the explanations explaining the benefits you provide, etc. In fact, everything in your site needs to convince a client to work with you. Now ask yourself, does it do that? Is this something I can be proud of? Too often we throw together a website, just to have it done. Remember this can often be a client’s first impression of you. Is it selling you well?

So this year as others are shopping and preparing for the holidays, you can instead be preparing your business for the New Year. What a gift that would be for YOU—to start your business off with a bang and lots of new clients you secured in your holiday marketing efforts.

November is a great time to reflect back on the year and plan for the next. Why not plan to make next year, your best one ever! Good Luck and Happy Marketing.

Magic Number Calculator ; A Diagnostic Approach to Sales Performance Improvement

by: Jeff Hardesty

The most overlooked Key Performance Indicator is the "Magic number," which refers to how many new appointments a sales rep must generate each week in order to achieve their revenue goal.

In early 2000 I walked into a VP of Sales mission with a sales organization consisting of 120 reps spread out over 12 sales regions. They were running at 38% of revenue goal for over 2 years. I ran a KPI study and determined they were running 2 new appointments per week/rep, but their KPI’s dictated they needed to achieve 7. So I announced a training objective to enable them to do it effectively, (now branded the X2 Sales System®) and threw quota out the window for 90 days. But I replaced the monthly quota with the weekly ‘magic number’.

8 months later sales units sold increased by 520%.

Calculate your sales team’s ‘Magic Number’ here:

A rep's magic number is determined by looking at several of her other KPIs. Say, for example, that your company sells copiers (for which an average sales cycle is 45 days) and that a rep's monthly sales revenue goal is $15,000. Her average revenue per sale, meanwhile, is $2,500; her current first-appointment-to-proposal ratio is 60 percent; and her closing ratio is 40 percent. What's her magic number? In other words, how many new appointments does she need to set each week in order to achieve her sales revenue goal of $15,000 per month?

The Magic Number Formula

Monthly sales revenue objective: $15,000
Divided by (/)
Average revenue per sale: $2,500
First-appointment-to-proposal ratio: 60%
(What percentage of the time do reps gain commitment from prospective clients to "take the next step" in the sales process after the first appointment?)
Closing ratio: 40%
(Proposal to close--measures proposals submitted vs. new business achieved.)
Weeks in the month: 4
Magic number: (approximately) 6 new appointments each week

Once you have identified the magic number, the next step is to determine how many new appointments a rep is currently generating each week. If she is falling short of her six-appointments-per-week goal, your job as a sales trainer is to find ways--through targeted KPI training--to help her bridge that gap and achieve her "magic number."

Here are some tips for doing just that:

1. As an organization, announce that the ability to convert conversations into appointments will become a KPI of the sales process.

2. Define an appointment-setting objective and train to that objective. For example, if the average weekly amount of time that sales reps devote to prospecting new clients is 22.5 hours (out of a 45-hour workweek), your organization's objective might be to cut that prospecting time in half (to 11.25 hours per week) while simultaneously exceeding current appointment-setting levels. With your objective in place, it's now time to break down and document the steps in the prospecting process and train reps on how to make better use of their prospecting time during each step.

3. Map out all possible scenarios that might occur during the prospecting process. Once you have done so--and documented best-practice strategies for handling each scenario--create mini training modules and/or job aids that show reps how to handle each scenario effectively.

4. In addition to enhancing reps' prospecting skills, another way to ensure that they achieve their "magic number" is to help them improve other KPIs in the "magic number" formula, such as their closing and first-appointment-to-proposal ratios.

> To increase their first-appointment-to-proposal ratio, for example, your training might encourage reps to start at the "top" with those who have fiscal authority and can "call the shots." Training might also pinpoint ways for reps to avoid "selling" products during the first appointment by providing them with an outline of the diagnostic steps they should follow in order to evaluate the fit between their solution and a prospective client's business objectives.

> To increase reps' closing ratio, meanwhile, the training you develop might show reps how to ask pertinent questions to determine what a prospective client's decision-making process entails, what the client's internal criteria for change include and which players need to be involved in the sales process in order for proper evaluation of a product to occur. In addition, your training might show reps how to catalog risk factors (e.g., possible objections or reservations a client might have regarding purchasing a product or service from your organization) for each player involved in the decision-making process and then provide reps with strategies, tactics, and tools for direct communication with clients based on those risk factors.

In the end, targeted, effective sales training can make a critical difference to your bottom line, and so can effective goal-setting. In today's high-performance sales culture, it's up to trainers and sales management to work together to focus more on daily and weekly goals and less on monthly or quarterly quotas. Success in doing so rests on the ability to switch paradigms from looking merely at required end results to also determining the necessary KPIs it takes to get there--and then building supporting tools and training to help sales reps along the way.

And, above all, don't forget your magic number!

Starting a Business

by: Vernon Anthony Johnson

Many people today are looking to own and run their own business. To do that they mainly have three main choices.

1. Buy a franchise
2. Start from scratch to develop there own type of business.
3. Buy an existing business.

When talking about capital to start or buy a conventional business we are not talking peanuts here; all these types of businesses will most likely require a substantial sum, perhaps in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

They will usually require staff so suitable computer expertise for accounts and wagers and also people skills in the workplace are required. There are always some problems with staff which can cause difficulties.

In a conventional business you will require premises. If you have bought an existing business then probably rates and maintenance are your two main expenses with the existing building bought with the business. If you need to rent a premise then you may require a refit for your purposes which may cost tens of thousands of dollars. This would depend on the type of business which may require certain expensive machine or electronic devices which could be various and very expensive. Then you would need computers and office furniture in varying quantities. All quite expensive items. However you look at it there are considerable costs involved when starting a business some of which will be ongoing. i.e. interest on the loan, staff wages and rent etc.

If it comes to the worst and it all goes belly up look at what you might lose? The equity which was used to finance the loan - most likely the property you live in because you couldn’t pay off the bank overdraft. The fixtures and fittings which you purchased which now would be of use to you and any equipment you purchased which may have to be sold invariably at a loss.

So you sold everything to try and pay off your debt but that wasn’t enough so you have to leave the home you loved and look for rented accommodation. Then many years later you might crawl back to where you were before the time of the crash. The statistics for new conventional type business success are not good.

In a conventional business if you need advice you usually have to pay for it although with a franchise some is available free. With a franchise I understand it does not usually include business mentoring. So if it’s new to you, you may have to pay for that help. In MLM home based business with a good company the marketing help comes as part of the deal.

Why you may ask?

Well because the MLM I am recommending is structured so that the person who does the recruiting also helps the people they recruit. In making them successful they all financially benefit. This team building is the essence of success in MLM marketing and people who have done this for a few years reap large rewards without having taken a huge gamble to raise equity.

So if we look an MLM business which costs less than $2000 initially and potentially enables you to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a few years down the track why wouldn’t that be much more attractive to you than risking your house?

There is the company which excels in all respects and is ideal for MLM people:

? It is debt free
? Publicly listed on the NASDAQ
? Achieved 1.5 billion turnover in the first five years
? Is a global business operating in ten countries and six more 2007.
? Ranked number 5 in the 200 Best Small companies by FORBES in the

If we summarise the benefits then we are talking about a business which:

1. Does not require a large amount of capital
2. Does not require you to hold stock.
3. Does not require staff.
4. Does not require you to rent or buy expensive premises because you can work from home perhaps from one room set aside as your office.
5. Enables you to make an income relative to your efforts which could be in the six figure bracket after a few years.
6. Does not confine you to office hours - you can work at a time convenient to you and your family.
7. Will still function once established without loss of income if you decide to take a long holiday.

Why then would anyone wanting to start a business not want to take the least expensive option?

The MLM choice comes without all the financial risk and headaches.

You can have the same earning potential as the conventional business with total support as part of the deal.

For more information, contact Vernon Johnson

11/134 Hill Road, Runcorn, Brisbane 4113 Australia,

2. Does not require you to hold stock.
3. Does not require staff.
4. Does not require you to rent or buy expensive premises because you can work from home perhaps from one room set aside as your office.
5. Enables you to make an income relative to your efforts which could be in the six figure bracket after a few years.
6. Does not confine you to office hours - you can work at a time convenient to you and your family.
7. Will still function once established without loss of income if you decide to take a long holiday.

Why then would anyone wanting to start a business not want to take the least expensive option?

The MLM choice comes without all the financial risk and headaches.

You can have the same earning potential as the conventional business with total support as part of the deal.

For more information, contact Vernon Johnson
11/134 Hill Road, Runcorn, Brisbane 4113 Australia,

Power of Learning = Earning!

by: Damon Smith

Everyone in online marketing or affiliate earning for a income have to research all over the internet to get the information they need to succeed.

I have seen people spend hours,days,weeks, months & even years just to come out making little or no income at all. As a publisher online for HaileysComet Weekly I have met some of the most powerful people that have made thousands even millions of dollars with the time they have been online.

Some have done it in as little as a few months and then retired, Then you have those that work very hard every day no matter how much they make to help others to do the same. Remember when the doublers programs hit the internet and people made hundreds even thousands over night? Do you remember what happen within two months of them hitting the internet, People that was dealing with StormPay was stuck holding a empty bag because they went under and all kinds of trouble broke out.

The only true programs that make money are ones that last, There are very few of them, One that has made it to the top because of the people behind the program is Success University, Not because they have specials all the time but because there are REAL people to talk with an to learn from. I have met with people that joined the so called PAS program and paid out $3,900!

and most of them did not get anything from it an do you know why? Because there was no one to teach them how to market the program to make a profit an ended up getting burnt!

Look at this link,

If you take the time to read it you will not only see that this group of master marketers are online to help you make a living online but also to teach you how to talk with others in a way to make them buy from you and learn to work together as a team.

Success University is just what the name stands for, They have been online for quite sometime, My own companys that I own depend on the things that I learn online.. I would only suggest something that I know myself to work to my own list of people that I work with instead of something that is gone the next day.

My own list of people in my newsletter trust me because they all know over the past 9 years that when I have something to tell them it is only the truth and not something that will brake their bank accounts. I have been called "The Howard Stern" of publishing and my newsletter is in most of the biggest Co-Ops and directories and also forums. The reason for my success is because of people like Damon Day (It is funny we both have the same first names)

But a "FLY BY NIGHT" company Success University is not, it is backed by some of the biggest companys there are and it is not just for people that are into affiliate marketing but also for people that are just starting out online and dont want to loose alot of money. I will tell you from the start that it takes money to make it, But this is one company that can take your funds and turn it into something to be proud of. Right now they are running a $2 14 day trial offer, and the monthly cost is less then a night on the town so dont miss out on something that will give you everything you need to earn online.

So take 5 minutes of your time and just look, It will suprise you to see what some people will do to help others instead of just thinking of themself and what they can get out of people that dont know any better.


If you talk with Damon tell him that I sent you to him so that he will know that after everything we have been through I still believe there are good people online!

To your Success!

Damon Smith

Affiliate Programs Explained

by: Ian Simpson

More people are discovering the power of affiliate marketing to supplement or even replace their existing income. But there are even more people who would like to have a slice of this exciting world but are unsure exactly what an affiliate program is or what it consists of.

When discussing an affiliate program, it helps to compare it to a traditional networking company where a network of salespeople and distributors are recruited to sell their products to all corners of the globe.

As an example, instead of a company selling directly to their customers it sells products through a series of distributors and salespeople. In turn, the members of this distribution and sales network enjoy a very good living by promoting the products made by others.

In essence, the affiliate programs found on the internet are distribution and sales efforts taken to the online world. The affiliate web site takes the place of the distributor and sales network, and the individual is paid by the seller of the product when a sale is made. Of course there are affiliate programs where physical products have to be shipped but there are also many other affiliate programs where only software or informational products have to be downloaded.

It is easy to understand why this arrangement is so popular, from the point of view of both the merchant and the owner of the web site. The merchant benefits from increased sales and at the same time, does not have to pay for additional advertising and he can expand his network without the need for additional and sometimes expensive advertising. The affiliate on the other hand may not have a product of his own to make money from and selling someone else's product for a share of the selling price gives him the opportunity to start his own business.

Of course, effort is required on the part of the affiliate to promote his website and the product he is trying to sell. There are many ways that an affiliate program can be promoted. An example would be if the affiliate already has a website and a link added directly to the merchant site. It costs nothing to set up and is very easy to do with a little cut and paste.

All good affiliate programs will have a back office with tools to use and it is always advisable to protect your affiliate links and therefore your commissions, by disguising your links so that they are not chopped off or used by anyone else. You can find a good program to use to prevent theft of your commission at

Commissions paid by merchants vary. You can expect anything up to 70% or even more with some affiliate programs, but these will mainly be software downloads. If you go to Clickbank you will find thousands of such programs to promote. With these kinds of commissions, it is easy to see why the promotion of software type programs is such a great way to make money online. At the other end of the scale though some affiliate programs pay a pittance, as low as 1.5% in some cases and you will have to ask yourself if these will be worth the effort.

Affiliate programs are very popular on the internet. If you do not have your own product to sell and you want to have a shot at earning some money on the internet, then affiliate marketing is the way to go. Give a little time, effort and patience and you will be rewarded. So if you're not already familiar with the concept of affiliate marketing, why not check it out?